
Magic & Mayhem

Refrence here.

SO this is a wip

since ya checked out my blinding pages I shall

leave you with

one of my abselute fave games that I hear no one talk about

and I think this game needs more praise




Magic & Mayhem I remember playing the custom lobby with bots,was so fun!

Custom lobby can be tweaked to play similarly to a BattleRoyal, by having no mana stones & only mana sprites & summon idols. Letting player tweak their own spells before spawning.

You can set a limit to how many slots per attunement, or set a max slots and a limit to the amount of attunement items.

but its main mode is a kind of control points type mode. Mana Stones let wizard or summon recharge small bits of mana over time. Mana Sprites are consumables of mana.

you can tweak your wizard to play heavy into mass summons, focused on casting spells & traps, lean into a few beefy units & totems, even play like an enchanted knight, using armor and damage buffs.

The games cutscenes are clay animation, same with most of the animated sprites for the game.

the Soundtrack is heckin amazing!!!

Warning Adult ads on the next link..

:'3 enjoy teh Magics~<3

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